Wildflower Viewing

“Earth laughs in flowers.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Point Arena Lighthouse has an excellent wild sea bluff garden. Mounding perennial plants like seaside daisy and golden aster mingle with annual wildflowers like baby blue eyes. The best time to see wildflowers near the Lighthouse is March through June.

Baby Blue Eye as seen on a wildflower walk

Manchester State Beach includes sea bluffs and dunes that host many Spring wildflowers. When the beach itself is closed to protect nesting snowy plovers, you can still hike the bluff at the North end, starting at Alder Creek Road North of Manchester. The road is partly washed out, so park just off Highway 1 and hike down to the park service road which is also the bluff trail.

The “Ridge Road” from Riverside Drive East of Point Arena, South to Old Stage Road in Gualala, hosts fine displays of tall, deep pink wild Rhododendrons in May. It’s a great scenic drive for those who can’t hike or don’t have much time to linger.

Rare Calypso Orchid blooming through the twigs
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